Thursday, February 22, 2018

Improv decisions

I've been thinking about the new Ad Hoc Improv Challenge for the first half of the year.  It is to "play with the idea of scale".  That has taken some pondering time.  Do I want to have a difference in size of blocks or a difference in scale of print, or color gradation. . .

I went to my stash and came up with the above fabrics.  These are shot cottons from Amy Butler that I bought 8 years ago and they never really went with anything.

I have tried using them in the Roseville quilt as leaves above or a bird body below but I never really loved them.

More leaves

A green bird body.

The fabric above is my absolute least favorite.  It color is called Banana but it just looks muddy.  And, of course, I have extra of this particular fabric - sigh.

What to do with these fabrics??  I found a small floral piece that has most of the colors in it.  I wanted it square so I cut some sides out of the blue which is the background color of the floral.

Then I got busy cutting 3 1/2 " squares.  An idea comes to mind - yippee~   I decided that there were some colors in the mix that just couldn't stay so I removed one of the blues, the goldenrod, the brown, and the orange.

And I was left with this stack.  I added the magenta that is the same shade as the darkest color in the flowers.

And I'm off to some "improv" happy place for a little while.



Karen said...

I am interested in seeing where your improv goes. The colors are pretty together. I don't know that I would be good at doing something like this.

Ann said...

I usually add bunches of fabrics but lately seem to be paring them back like you. Your colors are beautiful. I can't wait to see what you make.

Janet O. said...

Now you have me really curious. Hope you share what it is you are creating soon.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Woohoo! Good start! I can't wait to see what happens.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with using those shot cottons. Your Roseville blocks are wonderful--especially fun to see them all on your design wall--so joyful!

Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....