Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My initial Improv progress?

Don't like that pinky/red stripe.  It's an attention magnet.

Yeah, I know, it doesn't look like much.  The photograph makes the colors look washed out.  But, there are 75 snowball blocks that will be 3" finished so I'm making progress.  I put these up on a yellow sheet hanging in front of my sewing closet to get an idea of color and block placement.  They look like post-it notes, don't they?  At this point I'm wondering where it will go from here.  It can only get better.

As of now I'm not thrilled with the big splash of roses against the smattering of borders.  But, it's a work in progress and I've got some ideas bubbling that should help bring it all together.

The theme this time around is "Playing with Scale".  I haven't decided if the snowball blocks or the roses are going to play the major role in this little quilt.

I got the initial idea from this book of Kaffe Fassett quilts.  I just needed a starting point.

I really liked the idea of using multiple rows of snowball blocks for a border.  So that is what I'm working at.

Interestingly, this is a quilt using scale.

I've also been reading The Fabric makes the Quilt by Robert Horton.

She has some great tips for using fabric to it's best advantage.  She talks about the creativity of using your right brain and gives examples for both right and left.  I think I'm more left brained when it comes to quilting but this Improv challenge is giving me the freedom to do what I want.  (I still like straight compared to wonky.)

It's just so interesting looking at the creative challenge through someone else's eyes.  I think that's why I like this Ad Hoc Impro Quilters Challenge, it makes me see things through a different lens.

Roberta Horton goes on to say; "Some quilters don't bother to look at their quilt until it's finished because they are following a formula: find a pattern, select the fabric, cut, and sew."

And then she talks about another group that takes chances, makes changes as they sew, and comes up with something uniquely their own.

I done it both ways. The first way is easiest, uses less time, and is safe but the 2nd way is much more fulfilling.  Trying something new takes a little courage.  Doing something different or unusual might bring criticism but, can also bring confidence.

Have you ever made a quilt that was beautiful in your creative mind but didn't turn out so well?  What did you learn that you won't do again, what have you learned to appreciate about that quilt?  Were you able to identify the problem?  Did you try to take it apart and fix it?  Did you give it away?  I've done all of the above. 

The pictures in Roberta Horton's book are of quilts using African and Asian fabrics.  Even if you're not attracted to the African theme, there is some excellent information. I'm really enjoying this book.

Thanks for stopping by,
I'm linking up with Ad Hoc Improv Quilters


Wendy Caton Reed said...

I think this is coming along beautifully and I can't wait to see what you decide next. I love everything Roberta Horton writes. She has such insight!

Karen said...

Post It notes is a good description. You have a good start on your creative process. And a brave soul you are!

Janet O. said...

I think you have given us a fun insight into your creative risk taking.
My quilting isn't very risky at all. I like the traditional quilts, and I like to create things that give that feel. But I seldom stick exactly to a pattern. You, my dear, are very brave in stretching yourself into territory unknown. I play it safe. :)

Ann said...

So many good points here. Your blocks do look like post-it notes right now. I often find quilts that are a mess at this stage finish up wonderfully while those that look good partway through usually are boring/blah finishes. I think that's especially true when we're working on something new.
You and Audrey have both made borders of snowballs that are very inspiring. I'm going to have to try one myself. Thanks for that.
And for the reminder to reread Roberta's book I haven't read through it in a while but remember it was mind-expanding.
Thanks for linking playing with scale as well as adding your thoughtful post and great improv work-in-progress to the AHIQ linkup.

Deb from Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Have you ever made a quilt that was beautiful in your creative mind but didn't turn out so well?

lol I think ALL Of THEM? :)

Seam Ripper to the rescue : )

audrey said...

Both very good books. I especially love Roberta's book! I'm loving that you're working with snowball blocks too. I'm so curious about the 'similar but different' aspects our quilts will have!

Kaja said...

Your blocks do look like post-its - made me smile. I like the colours and the piece of big floral so am curious to see how things will work out. Thanks for joining in the AHIQ challenge - it's always so interesting to see the different approaches people have taken.

Janie said...

You're right in the middle of the creative process and that can
feel a bit wobbly. Be brave.
Snowballs do look flaky until all sewn up, then they look great.
You can do it!

Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....