Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Sweet Land of liberty link up

This is a picture of my progress on the February SAL for Sweet Land of Liberty by Cheri Payne.  I cut the tops of the stars off in this picture unfortunately.  I looked at the picture of the original quilt and Cheri had placed five stars together on the bottom row with all the same background.  I liked the look so I made these the same way.  It is such a surprise to me that I made them all the exact same way but none of them are the same size.  It's a good thing this quilt is very forgiving.

I also made a little progress on the Ad Hoc Challenge.  Yesterday's post shows all the pieces in what I call the post-it notes stage.  I've been able to sew some of the rows together so it doesn't look so messy.  I put some tiny prairie points in the seam between the large block and the one below.  I also added a small rectangle of the roses fabric and will add another smaller one as I stitch along.

I'm thinking about calling this the "Colleen" quilt.  That is my mother's name.  This quilt seems to be calling for all the things that my mother liked and taught me.  She would approve of the clean lines and orderliness . I'll have to include some lace, some bows, and perhaps even a scallop or two.

Those blue strips stand out too much.  I wonder what I'll do to help them along.

It's all a process,

I am linking with Lori of


Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

Great blocks for the Sweet Land of Liberty sew along! Love your color choices, and that you used the same backgrounds for your stars. Can't wait to see what comes up next in this SAL!

Lori said...

Wow! Nice job!

Nancy said...

Your Sweet Land of Liberty looks great, Robin. Yes, I think this quilt will be very forgiving and accommodating of slight variations in the sizes.

I think the Ad Hoc group and its challenges really do push one to think differently about many aspects of quilting. It will be interesting to see the progress on this quilt.

dq said...

Wonderful work here! I love your stars and wish I had done mine more like the pattern. I really like how the stars all have the same or similar background. I didn't even think to do that. You also did the falling geese which I love.

Karen said...

I have never liked making that type star block. But I persevere and do it anyhow when they are part of a pattern. Yours look very good. And you seem to be enjoying the sew along.

Marti said...

I love your land of liberty. The colors you used are great. Your stars all look the same to me but even if they aren't, I can see where it wouldn't matter much.

You have dona a LOT of snowball blocks! I love the prairie points inside the quilt.

Cathy said...

I'm finally getting around to the improv links. I looked at previous post and now this one and I love how much those tiny prairie points add and you really had me looking forward to your work when you said you were going to add lace and maybe scallops. Lovely idea! What a nice tribute to mom too.

Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....