Friday, February 9, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty February Block

I've been working on the Sweet Land of Liberty blocks for February today.  I finished the angel block just now.  I sewed the flying geese and attached them to the top after I took this picture.

I originally cut out a white wing but the background was too light for it to show up and the block needed more color so I chose gold.  It looks more like a cape wildly flying in the wind than angel wings but it's done and done.  I had to piece the backing to have a big enough piece.  You can see the seam line if you look carefully just under the feet and across to the hand. 

I made the box for the lettering look like a scroll.  I could never really figure out how to make the one that is included in the pattern.  Sometimes instructions just don't gel with me and this letter box pattern with minimal instructions was one of them. 

I'm having a hard time getting excited about the Olympics.  I usually can't wait and the Winter Olympics are my favorite.  I think it's because winter never really came this year.  We had one really good snow storm and a smattering of rain but it's been in the 50's for weeks.  I think Mother Nature let me down this. year.

I know, you're all saying, "We'd gladly give you some of our snow."

I really wish you could!!!


Janet O. said...

You hid the background seam really well, Robin. As to the cape, in our annual extended family Christmas party nativity, all of the angels get shimmery capes, not wings. So that angel looks very good to me.
I don't what the letterbox is supposed to look like, but the scroll looks like it belongs, IMHO.
Well, I am excited about the winter Olympics, because it may be the only winter we see! :)

Karen said...

You seem to be enjoying the patriotic sew-along.

I got bored watching the opening ceremony for the Olympics this evening and changed channels. Maybe it was better after the athletes marched in but it was not exciting before.

dq said...

Yay! Your angel block is done. You are coming along nicely on this project. I have been paper piecing for another UFO this past week but will get going on this one once my UFO is a flimsy.

Yes, we need snow badly. We have been asked to pray for it. Are you in Utah? I am.

Just a quick post

 I finished the top for the Ode to the 1930's pattern by Lori Smith. that I made in Thimbleberries fabric instead.  It turned out great....