Saturday, August 17, 2019

Next quilt in the frames

I have wanted to make a quilt for a friend of mine for a long time.  It's finally time.

I took some quilt tops over to her house yesterday and she picked one out.  It's not the one I thought she would choose so I was glad she had the opportunity to make the decision.

This is the one she picked out.  It's a bigger quilt than I was planning on because I want to get two of them done before Christmas.  So I got busy and put it on the frames this morning (my knee will attest to that).  I only have a partial ball of pearl cotton so I need to go to the store before I begin.

I think I can work on it first thing in the morning and then again after dinner to make the progress a little faster.  At least, that is my goal. . .

Hope you're having a lovely Saturday.


Janet O. said...

I can understand her choosing this one. It really is visually fun.
Wow--you are a very good friend to hand quilt it for her. Only my kids get those from me. :)

Julierose said...

This is a lovely quilt; I especially like the background fabric you choose--I find it's difficult to locate those low volume, widely scattered prints. Most of what i see is pretty dense...nice work hugs, Julierose

Deb A said...

What a pretty quilt! You have a very lucky friend to get such a work of art... and hand quilted too!

Shelina said...

Are you going to hand quilt that? That is a really pretty quilt. People do tend to surprise me with their tastes too. I try to give people choices too, but make sure that the choices I offer are ones that are manageable in the time frame.

Quilter Kathy said...

Very beautiful! No wonder she chose it!

Nancy said...

I, too, can understand why your friend chose this quilt. It really is a wonderful pattern with great colors. I hope you're able to get it quilted quickly so you can get the other one finished by December.

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...