Saturday, October 31, 2020

A border and a finish

I finished all the applique for the All Around The Town.  I'll have got get another picture when the border has been sewn on.  I didn't want to buy anything new so I tried all my pieces of fabric that were big enough and the only thing that looked like what I wanted was just a little too short.  So, inspite of wanting to use up what I have. . . thank goodness Etsy came through for me.  I found a piece of Michael Miller Krystal in Royal blue.  It should be here today and then I can sew it on and celebrate a finish.

I also finished the quilting for the Blitzen Stars quilt.    This quilt was easy to quilt and went together fast but because I was so busy doing applique on the "Town" quilt above - I wasn't doing the hand quilting on this one.  So, it took me 2 months to finish it.

Now, I need to crawl around the floor (ha!) and get the next quilt read to go on the frames.  It always takes longer than I want it too.

These are the decorations for just one house down the street.  They always go all out for Halloween and the decoration stay up till the Tyrannosaurus gets decorated for Christmas.


The Tyrannosaurus stays up all year round.

Have a happy and safe Halloween.


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Another lap around town

I'm continuing to make progress on the All Around The Town quilt top.  I've got the sun and all the sunbeams pined and ready to sew down.  I had to make some alterations because 16 years ago (when I first started this project) I trimmed my first block (the whale block) too small.  So I had to cut the block opposite it longer. 

 I appliqued the longer block but it wasn't lying flat so I need to fix that.  A little more unpicking. . . 

I appliqued all 12 stars.  It was a little tricky because I had a big surface to wrestle with in order to stitch them down.  The quilt top measures about 50" square so far.  There are two borders.

The stars haven't been pressed in these pictures.  I was in a hurry.

I'm making progress on the Christmas quilt I started this week.  (Sorry, no pictures.)  I've been color testing all the red fabrics and have a lot I can't use.  One piece still kept darkly staining the 'Color Catcher' after 3 washings.  I finally gave up on that one. It was a piece of quilting fabric by SSI.  Most of the poor fabric has been the red with white pindots.  I've chosen to work on the Santa Block first and almost have his lo-o-o-ong hat finished.

And we got a hard freeze two night ago.  Snow is expected in the mountains tonight.  In order for the dahlia blossoms to survive the low temps, my husband brought them in.  They make a lovely fall bouquet.  We've never grown dahlias before.   They appear to make a long lasting cut flower, so many times the other blooms I bring in only last a day.

 Hope you're able to sew today and most importantly, I hope you can hug someone.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

It's time for another Christmas Quilt

 I woke up this morning with a mission.  I decided to find all my stashes of Christmas fabric and compile them, pre-shrink them, press them, and get them in an organized container.

After I got out a big and little box, a grocery sack, and an under-the-bed box full of scraps and yardage I remembered I had a stack of Basic Grey fabric that I was saving for a Christmas project.

And then I remembered this yardage below (15 yds.) that I bought in 2002 when I first started quilting in earnest.    Whew!  I had no idea at that time how much yardage was needed to make a quilt so the more the merrier.

I sorted out all the Debbie Mumm Christmas fabric and then I sorted it into color piles of red, green, gold, and backgrounds.  I also tossed out some of the pieces with a lower thread count (there were only two) and some ugly pieces.  How do they always sneak in there?

And then I found two pieces of Whimsical snowman fabric inside a book (?).  Where else have I got it stashed?

I'm leaning toward making the 'Comfort and Joy' pattern below.  I've been hanging on to this pattern for quite a while.

It is such a cute pattern.  And, it isn't completely applique so it will go together a little faster.

I also want to work on the Cheri Payne Christmas quilt.  I only have one block made.  It looks like it needs a partridge in this pear block.  I think I'll work on one of the Santa blocks next.

I've almost completed the last block for the 'All Around Town' Quilt.  I just need to do the grass, pathway and roof.  Then I can assemble it.  I still have the sun and rays in the middle of the quilt top and 5 cars  to applique around the edge.  I hate to stop working on it to do a Christmas quilt but I won't put it away.  I'll work on it a little in- between the holiday stuff. 

I've been working on the Blitzen Stars quilt.  The full quilt is pictured at the right.  I'm almost 3/4 of the way through.  It is easy to work on.  

I've begun washing the fabric stacks.  I'm not sure how to wash this red stack and check for bleeding at the same time.  There are a lot of old fabrics here and it was bought for crafts not for quilts so I know there are pieces that are NOT colorfast.  I think I will just pick out the pieces I want for each block and test them a few at a time.  The logistics of trying to do this all at once gives me a headache.  

Also, I found the piece of fabric below in one of the boxes.  I didn't buy it, my sister did.  And, I don't think I'll ever use it.  It is called Dysfunctional Family by Michael Miller, I think.  And I was going to offer to give it away but now I can't find it.  Good Grief!

 I know I won't get a Christmas quilt done by Christmas but it will make me happy while I am working on it.  That's what it's all about, anyway.


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Just random thoughts and pictures

Still working on All Around Town by Sue Garman.  It needs to be pressed but it gives an idea of what it will look like.  The next block has a blue house with 13 windows (those windows  - sigh), with a flag on top of the roof.

I going to have to change those trees at the top left that look like hearts - too weird.

My SIL, who decorates for Halloween big time, gave me this little witch.  She is fully articulated and is  only about 2" tall.  Too cute.

I made a baked chocolate cream pie last week.  The above picture shows how it came out of the oven - ha!  The picture below is after about 15 minutes.  The filling has chopped pecans in it and I expected it to be more like a brownie in a pie crust but it was smooth and silky like a pudding filling.  So delicious!

I made a batch of Chili Sauce this week.  It took all day to boil down and then I found out it was to salty.  It's going to take a while to use it.  When will I ever learn. . . (isn't that a song?)

And just for a bit of nostalgia, here is picture of my younger brother and his friend selling punch in the 1960's.  Notice the deluxe stand with all it's crepe paper.  The crepe paper was wrapped around the cardboard and then decorated with twisted streamers and fringe.  And 2 cents - what a bargain.

 My brother is the one in the front with the cheesy grin.

Enjoy your day,


Exchange, quilt on the floor, autumn

  I have been working all week on an exchange we are having in my quilt group.  We are exchanging any size (mine are 12") pumpkin block...