Monday, January 20, 2020

Definitely a squirrel!!!

I have had this group of fabrics stacked in a corner for a long time.  I keep thinking I am going to make an applique something out of them.  They are subdued a little and some of them are kind of ugly but I like them anyway.  Not my usual palette at all.

Yesterday I went to the Friends of Cheri facebook group and saw that they were having a January SAL and the chosen quilt by Cheri Payne is called January Quilt Sharing.

I couldn't stop thinking about it and so I gathered my little stack and sewed this sweet quilt together today.  It measures 24" X 27".  It's interesting to see how the solid squares stand out in the photo because they fade into the background in real life with the plus signs being more dominant.

I'm glad I could experiment with this fabric pull before I committed to a larger project.  I like it.  But, I think I would get tired of it if I made a bed sized quilt.

Hope you were able to stitch today,


Karen said...

I sometimes purchase a few fabrics that are out of my usual selection of style. The colors and prints draw me in. The Cheri design was a good choice for using yours.

Nancy said...

This is a beautiful little quilt, Robin. It looks so restful and peaceful to me. But, like you, I'm not sure I'd want a bed-sized quilt like it. I admire how quickly you work, Robin. Quick to decide, quick to sew, and voila, a finished top!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I adore this quilt, Robin. I also love your Cheddarback blocks. Beautiful fabric choices.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

What a sweet and soft quilt. I love it! I use so much strong color, it is refreshing to see such pretty soft colors.

audrey said...

What a lovely little quilt. I agree that it would hard to do in a larger size, but so much fun to work on something a little bit different in the smaller size. Great job!:)

Kaja said...

I like it - it's very restful to look at. A smaller quilt is a good way to play with colours or techniques.

Janet O. said...

I really like what you have made here, Robin. It is awfully cute. And it is good to stitch out of the comfort zone now and then.:)
Hey, why not plan to join us at the VDG retreat next January??

Raewyn said...

Nice little experiment - I like what you've done here!

  So, I've been busily working on the blocks for the Timeless Treasures quilt I mentioned in my last post and I've got 24 blocks don...