Monday, May 11, 2020

Applique blocks are done

Now it's time to get busy on the pieced HST sashing.  I think this part will go fast.

This is the Stocks block and the last one I had to finish.  In the original pattern the vase is tall and tapered from wide at the brim to narrow at the base.

I wanted to use this fabric not because of the pattern by because of the shade of green.

I used it to fussy cut this cone shape for the quilt below.

And all I had were scraps that looked like this.

So I cut one of the wider shapes to the length I wanted,  cut off some of the odd angles, and made it into the vase for the stocks above.  I like it a lot.  The narrow place at the top of the base of my vase is not even but being slightly off balance adds to the mood of this quilt.

The other two blocks I finished were the marigolds below.  I definitely chose a bright gold for these.  I made need to rearrange the blocks so this isn't next to the pineapple block because they are both so gold.

And this next block is a replacement for the cacti block.  I wasn't really fond of the pattern and after making the pineapple block twice (previous post) I wanted something easy.

First I found a flower in a dish that looked interesting in one of Linda Brannock's other books.

The original pattern was too big (I learned that lesson on the pineapple) so I drew a sketch on some graph paper and then started tracing it to make patterns.  But, I was looking for something simple and I had really made this block complicated.  Maybe I'll use it in something in the future but not this time.

I ended up using the stem and leaf on the right of the pattern and then just made a tulip.  I decided to make a pot with handles and this red is the only fabric that would go with the rest.  I had used it in the Cockcomb block so it needed to be repeated anyway.

Also, I needed to repeat the pink from the "Volunteer Bloom" block so this block fit the bill in a number of ways.  It looks like it needs more leaves but each time I tried to add another one, it just didn't look right.  So, I really made a non-complicated block and it went together quickly.

So I'm looking for sashing fabric to make all the HSTs.  I tried the fabric below and I like it but I wanted to see what else I had.  I think it would be funny to use this fabric because it has dandelions on it.  Every flower garden needs a few weeds - ha!

So I tried a fabric with a light background and little flecks of blue and brown in it.

I didn't like this fabric at all.  It is too light and just makes everything look washed out.

This isn't all the blocks nor the actual arrangement for them.

I really like this fabric.  It brightens everything up, it looks good with the background fabrics, and the little design adds some movement.  It also goes well with the fabric (on the outside) that I want to use for the border.  I also have 2 yds. of it which should be plenty for my needs.

It's all coming together.


Karen said...

Your substitute block is simple in design and works well. And so does that border fabric. You did good!

Janet O. said...

You are so good at this, Robin!
I wanted the dandelion fabric to win, because I thought it was a clever idea, but that gold really makes the colors in your quilt pop and looks great in the HSTs.

Julierose said...

Lovely blocks--especially that marigold--one of my favorite little flowers to plant each year...really nice work on these...~ ~ ~ waving under threatening skies Julierose

Denice Barker said...

Hi, Robin,
Is this the applique quilt you mentioned on my blog? I can't comment back to you unless I have your email address. Is there a way to do that without making it public? Blogger makes the simple things so difficult sometimes.
I love your work and you are right about everyone being different and preferring to work in their own way. I'll take applique over piecing any day. The sewing machine is not my friend! Thanks for stopping at my blog and hope to hear from you again.

Nancy said...

You made some great changes to the blocks for this quilt, Robin. As I was reading about your pattern making to do a simple block I kept thinking how complicated the block you were drawing looked. I love your tulip block instead and the dominant sashing color and fabric you chose. I'm looking forward to seeing the blocks sewn together.

Quilting Babcia said...

I love that delicate pink tulip - that block might be my favorite. And a great way to salvage some of those cut-off pieces from the green fabric, I love when that happens.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Bingo - great choice. I have missed being able to spend time selecting fabrics for a quilt, sewing, cutting, in fact anything to do with my quilting and challenging my brain to that other than where we have been. This is going to be a beauty! Love those HST colors! Hugs

Wendy Caton Reed said...

These blocks are so gorgeous! And yes, that fabric is perfect with them!

Do you remember this quilt?

  This quilt called "Timeless Treasures" by Mabeth Oxenreider came out in the American Patchwork & Quilting magazine in June o...