Monday, July 27, 2020

Bygone Baskets twin

I finished getting the Bygone Baskets quilt put together.  It looks very nice and concise.

I wonder if it needs a border or if a solid colored binding will be enough.

I got online because I thought surely someone else has finished their BOM and posted picutres.  I found the photo below and laughed as I thought, "We had the same idea!"

She made the quilt in different colors, of course, but she made an extra block (like I did) and put it on point (like I did).  Isn't the blue sashing pretty.  It's so fun to see it made up in different fabrics.

My hibiscus has bloomed.  I can see it from my backdoor.  Wasn't it nice that the first bloom  was pointed toward the door so I wouldn't miss it?

I bottled a batch of green beans today.  I spend over an hour just snipping off the ends.  But, I have 7 hearty quarts to put in the fruit room.  Well worth the effort.



Julierose said...

Bygone Baskets is beautiful ;))) it does look very neat....;)))
Your hibiscus is blooming so well...pretty color
hugs from afar Julierose

audrey said...

Your baskets look so good on point like that and I adore the striped sashing. Totally worthwhile to go the extra mile and make another block! Can't wait to see how you finish this up. I'm a border person so that's how I would probably go, but not every quilt needs a border, that's for sure. With quilting texture, this will look amazing regardless of what you do!

Barb said...

looks great!
pretty hibiscus

Wendy Caton Reed said...

It is simply stunning!

Karen said...

The stripe sashing really makes the quilt at least in my opinion. You inspired me to purchase the pattern and I received it yesterday. I am afraid it will probably just end up in my some day pile of patterns but at least I have it.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

It's so pretty - the baskets look great on point. Lovely garden view!

Janet O. said...

I just love looking at this basket quilt! Good work, Robin!!
That is such a pretty hibiscus. I have a friend whose husband grows them, but he has them in huge pots and brings them in over the winter. Does yours survive winter pretty well, or do you have to protect it?

Nancy said...

Your quilt looks beautiful, Robin! I didn't realize how large the baskets are from your other photos. They look like the 13 make a good size quilt.
That's a great spot to plant a hibiscus and it was thoughtful of the plant to bloom facing your door. What a fun morning greeting.

Denice Barker said...

I love this quilt - the stripe binding is perfect. Is there a pattern out there somewhere? I've been dreaming of making a basket quilt and am really inspired by this.

I need to figure out a way to spend more time in my sewing space.  I realized this morning just now how much I miss creating.  I have been s...